Setting Goals for Your Future

Setting Goals for Your Future

Think about your life, your family and your history for as far back as you know it. See where you are today and where you want to be in the next 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 or even 30 years; maybe you will live to be 90 years – some people live to be 100.

What do you imagine yourself to be? If all circumstances were great and things went well – the way you would want it to be, what would you do with your life?

A good formal education is only one tool which can allow you to achieve the greatness or the strides that you aspire to make in your life, but it is critical. Other factors include your attitudes and values.

Here are some steps you can take to help you achieve what you dream of:

  • Think about the destination where you would like to get to, or the goal you would like to achieve and set a timeline for it.
  • Do some research to find out what is required to get there and find out what you need to start. You may require a certain amount of money, prerequisites such as certificates, previous training or education.
  • Identify someone to use as a model or pattern – someone like you who did what you want to do before. Even if you never met them or will never meet them in life, use them as a benchmark, someone to look up to, and let their story inspire you.
  • Make a plan and keep revising it as things change along the way. Stay motivated and work hard at each step, keeping your destination in mind. You may be required to make sacrifices and there may be setbacks, but stay focused and put the effort in.

  • Have faith, meditate and pray so that you can gain insights from above and within, that can direct and lead you to open doors and give you the power and strength to break down any walls that are in your way.