Motivation for Academic Success

Motivation for Academic Success

Education is often seen as the way out of poverty, a way to discover and nurture one’s talents and a vehicle to take people to their next level, most times, a more prosperous state in life.

In our Caribbean context, many of our ancestors (especially blacks) were uneducated, at least not formally, after they were sold and exported as slaves and forced to work on plantations. Their children were not taught to read and write, and adults were not allowed to pursue personal goals.

Today, as a free people, our ambition and drive, combined with emerging opportunities for advancement and our God-given ability to think and process information place us in a unique position to achieve almost anything imaginable, barring of course the financial restrictions.

Your motivation for your academic pursuits can come from within you or from outside. It is important for you to remain focused and to be determined to achieve your goals no matter what obstacles you may face.