Form 5 Physics (PHYS501)

Form 5 Physics (PHYS501)

Thank you for your interest in this course. To make payment and enrol, select the payment plan which best suits you from the options below.

  • If you are a returning customer, you will be prompted to login at checkout.
  • If the student is not yet registered, you will be able to create an account while checking out.

Course Overview

  • This course is appropriate for students who are studying Physics at secondary level, particularly Form 5.
  • Students will study waves, optics, electricity, electromagnetism, electronics, atomic structure, radioactivity, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. They will be guided using notes, videos, and practice exercises with immediate feedback.
  • The course is teacher-guided and will be open from January – May 2025. Weekly meetings will be held online as well as students may choose to attend scheduled in-person events.
  • The student’s final mark will be the average of all graded activities and parents may login to review and monitor students’ progress throughout the course.
  • A digital certificate of completion will be awarded.

Billing and Payment

  • The course price is EC$450, payable in 5 monthly installments of $90.
  • Payments must be made using a credit/debit card.
  • You must create a student account and be logged in to purchase this course.
Payment Plan

2 Installments, 3 Installments, Full Payment